When I was told to write an article giving a few tips to freshers a sense of inadequacy enveloped me. Though not a social pariah but not exactly in the social groove either I may not be exactly the right person to give sermons on how to make friends in iit…
I scratched my head and it struck me that it wont be too bad an idea to give 5 pts on how to eke out a decent cg in the first sem.
1. I know this point would be causing much chagrin to my contempories but as it is I love to call a spade a spade. (not a great idea in hostel though)…if you are not one of those guys who have the gift of the gab and love to trick people then it wont be a bad idea to keep a straight face to your seniors and avoid giving ragging…it helps you to maintain your focus and after all the more pristine you stay the better it is for you.
2.Once in college many guys tend to have their adrenalin surging in their veins a bit more strongly than it ever did..Those who always used to keep their collars buttoned try to roam about bare chested…man take it from me…it is always cool to have a decent cg and good resume …..but thrusting yourself in useless activities or bunking classes will only elevate the mercury within you.
3.It is quite natural to have your hair flowing in the breeze of rendezvous but don’t let your mind flow away with it…Enjoy the evenings do your work in the mornings…after all some guys just keep on working in iit..and your grades are affected by their performance as well..
4. Well this is where I screwed up big time…the period between minor 1 and minor 2 is extremely crucial..and also the most enervating…. Most people do well in minor 1 but it is only those who score well in minor 2 who get counted…
5. This point might end up being the talk of the town…perhaps that’s why I kept it at the last…I assume all of you have read the 5 pt sm1 before coming over here…. the point is self explanatory…. if there is a Neha (no pun intended) waiting for you over here then…..You have my envy otherwise however hard you try…tough luck man…
befriending the proffs is a better idea!!!
Live your life to the fullest guys….try to bath when there is no water in the hostel…try to sleep when the lights are on and the speakers are blaring…perhaps “Ara ka enthu high hai” has its own advantages and disadvantages.
All I want for Christmas is you.
2 years ago
here are some comments on the points u gave
1)i disagree. period. its always good to be befriend people, be it thru ragging. and believe me, minor I mein padhne ka kuch nahi hota..u dont need to be buried in ur books all the time
2) i agree, but i may differ when it comes to the point of useless activities.. that may be why i am here!!
3)again, its not like you end up doin the whole book in the 3 weeks. just try to attend classes, or if u dont, try to concentrate in the classes u go to and u'l be ok..
4) well, i always believe u can afford to screw up one minor, but i consider it better if u fodufy (fodna englishified) both the minors (when there is virtually no syllabus), cuz then, u are a bit relaxed when it comes to the majors (when there's a lot of syllabus).
but its upto u, u can fodufy both the minors, or fodufy one and screw the other and do the majors well, or screw both and fodufy the majors...sometimes, u may have to plan differently for different subjects
5) or, paying attention in classes...
and the last part, you cant live life to the fullest when u do those things :P
anyways, nice posting...carry on...
This is a decent advisory post, also read it in Ara newsletter and quite liked it. The main thing that you didn't sound boring in it which is usually the case when someone's giving advice.
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