This write up comes as a sequel to the 5 point something which I wrote after the first year.Urged not by rave reviews of the first but by the sheer habit of punditry which I just cant resist I thought of penning a view suggestions for my juniors who, just like I was are always eyes and ears when anything remotely similar to an algorithm with the output either job, intern or gf comes up.
Every one comes to iit driven by passion and thirst, no. not by thirst for knowledge but rather thirst for money power and prestige. The passion is fuelled by a mirage which allures many an innocent chap into believing that exit would be as glorious and venerated as the entrance, however, here comes the reality check. As in the last 2 years I realize, the navigating the labyrinth of iit life is easier said than done. And many stalwarts who arrived here with chest pumped up and larger than life statures seems to be painfully unconfident and tottering when the parting bells toll. They despair at the glories of those who nudged their way past into the velvet cushioned and Prada donned lap of the beckoning corporate world in contrast to the relegation of most to simply fresh graduates or engineers from an engineering college sans the haloes which we so easily get used to. It is true the crying baby gets the milk and along with it the mothers lap, but neither we are babies nor something as petty as milk are we talking about. Surely, a lot more than crying is required. Sucking up to seniors may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but seniors are where the bounty of power flows at iit , something of which I was clueless of . Though I was raving about my success combating ragging in my post after the first year, it has turned to be my Achilles heel. Convincing the seniors about ones leadership skills all the while being their toady is the only way to ensure one has something to make eyes wobble when corporate leaders ponder if you are fit to join their league.
The other big thing in iit is of course the exchange program. I nudged my way into the short list and finally gave a very honest interview which the professors liked. Writing a true and cogent Statement Of Purpose and regularly participating in QC and EDLC events ensured I was more than a push over.
In IIT, everything is numbered, from the rasgulas to the girls. However there is number which stands out and it is the CGPA. It is like the RBC in our body , higher the count, healthier are ones chances, otherwise, one may just brace up for lots of blues at the end.
Prodded by my didactic juices, I was urged to pen down a long long essay starting from how to make that priceless Rendezvous pass in the first year count to never falling asleep after having put up a difficult question to the professor in class earlier when I thought let me cut down everything which is irrelevant to how to get a great job after passing out. I feel a sense of incapability and humility writing this extremely proud and bombastic post, because, I haven’t been able to follow what I am preaching. I hope my ignorance, my attempts in vain and a partial success condone me from hypocrisy.
I know it is too late to correct a few mistakes which I did and I hope I wont be punished for them Philanthropy scores over my apprehension of ridicule as I end up belaboring a few ideas in a domain which I have only seen and been a part of , and utterly lack the experience of a person on the other side of the river.
All I want for Christmas is you.
2 years ago